Are you doing anything for Halloween?
63 votes
Yes, partying with lots of other people!
Just trick-or-treating with a small number of people
Just making Halloween-themed art; I'm not going anywhere
No, though I'd like to
No, I'm not interested
We don't celebrate Halloween where I live

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Refurin's avatar
Halloween isn't really big in Australia, we got a single family who came trick-or-treating, that's fairly standard. There's never many people.

But even if it was, it's not something I'm interested in.

Going door-to-door is something I find really weird and uncomfortable, not to mention the general bad reputation my town and street has, as far as the type of people in it goes.

And I've never heard of a single person here having a halloween-themed party, nor am I a party-person.

But most of all, I am hugely not a fan of horror or 'scary' things, meaning that a lot of standard internet content I usually look at is stopped during that time, to avoid such things.

I don't like Halloween. ;-;